Would anyone be kind enough to edit my document explaining my plea for Terriers DVDs? The little webpage is ready to go, almost, I just have to load up the text and a few pics (how do I change the stupid header pic?)
Whedonesque has promised to lend a hand by linking to me, and I think a few other people with monster twitter followers will retweet.
I don't really have high expectations, but you know, Profit came out ten years later, so you never know.
I do desperately need this edited. It's 2000 words.
Also, my photo editor is bananas, would someone caption a photo for me?
Won't someone help these sad characters get their own DVD set?
Sorry. I'm a PITA.
I have nothing for photo editing but I'll look over the doc.
Heh. Offer to edit --> have awkward typo in post.
Insent to Typo and Cass, with thanks. It's an epic mess.
I am so sorry about my PITAness. SRSLY
"It takes a PITA to raise an army!"
Allyson, returned.
You made me miss the show even more. Excellent job.
Thanks! I have some combo of your edits and Gar's, which were similar, and so that's perfect.
This is a mid-June tweet from Shawn Ryan:
On the Terriers front, would fans want a straight DVD release w/no extras sooner or a more complete release w/commentaries, etc., later?
That seems like a good sign, right?
Does that look tweetable?