Don't knit either anymore. Crafts have gone by the wayside of life. Between life and work (52 kids in each of my classes next year!) I am sort of drowning.
I am promising myself to complete 3 separate quilts (two of them with Thing 1 and Thing 2 fabric) and rag rugs.
I miss the feel and the mechanical nature of the projects. And then...there's a thing! You get a thing!
I crocheted a Blue Valentine scarf for my friend's Oscar party. I think I gave it to her when I left. It was basically this [link] done with blue yarn.
Oh, god, where are we?
Crafts, BBC-length television series and soaps.
I am continuing my trend of not finishing knitting things during the winter. Maybe I can take some with me on this spring break mini-trip.
I'm re-doing the first twelve rows of a shawl pattern for the third time. I need to learn to pick a pattern based on whether I can talk and knit it. Instead of on the pretty.
Yes, no lace for knitting while distracted.
I think Chicago Code is shooting around the corner from me.
I'm pretty sure they wrapped months ago.
I figured as much but there sure are a lot of fake Chicago cops wandering around.