College was a rude shock to me, that my professors didn't just see how brilliant I was and hand me the A's I was used to and never had to work for before.
College was actually easier for me gradeswise than high school, for the most part. Grad school was the easiest by far. But good grades weren't really the point there.
But good grades weren't really the point there.
I think that was the problem for me. I started doubting that I'd really learned anything in high school. I knew, even with a B in college, that I had worked for it and had to really learn how to put all the information given to me into a useful context and not rely on sheer memorization of facts.
SailAweigh is me. Straight A's without a single bit of homework all through high school. College was quite the shock. Being 17 at the time didn't help either.
grades? We were being graded? I was hanging out in the student center with the leftists.
Laga, I was at the University of Oregon. We were all leftists.
My college didn't have grades. Also, it felt like an intellectual regression from my IB classes for the first year. And with no grades, where the hell was the fun in competing with your friends to see who did better and could in-your-face it?
To this day, I have no idea why everyone thought Evergreen was such a great school for me. I tried explaining that I need a structure to rebel against and lines to skirt outside, but did anyone listen to me? Nooooooooooo.
Eh. At least I don't have loan debt. And I got a husband and eventually, a great kid, out of it.
where the hell was the fun in competing with your friends to see who did better and could in-your-face it?
wants to send this to parenting author I just read who proclaims competition EVIL.
PM, I went to a college without grades (not evergreen) and I *loved* it. I absolutely thrived outside the competitive bullshit that had become part and parcel of my high school experience.
Narrative evaluations were a trip.
Ms Havisham went to Bennington College, where there was no grades per se, and found it not very useful.
When I went through schooling in the UK, I never cared about my grades. Like, at all. I left with pretty shitty grades, and it never held me back in the slightest in work life.