I dunno, I sometimes surprise myself (and others) with how dark I can get, pretty much immediately, when it comes to prison/law enforcement/crime stuff.
Working in the industry and then volunteering in a max/sec facility made me pretty cynical...or practical, depending on how you look at it.
There are moments when I wish I weren't that cynical.
Could be a blow job reference, but I might be too vanilla to see anything particularly dark about it.
I'm really really hoping it's something innocent.
Remind me where that quote was used?
Just before the end, Hank was trying to cheer Britt up.
From a source close to Terriers (Tim)
It's a non sequitur.
So now we know.
I went to very disgusting place with that.
Go on, act surprised.
Watch&Post of "The Train Job" in the Firefly thread starts in 6 minutes.