Interview with Ted Griffin. He does give a tiny bit of information about what would have happened in the future, namely which direction Hank and Britt went and, more importantly, who the father is.
And he does have some nice things about to say about Mr. Minear:
Tim deserves more credit for this show. Every time I read something it's just Shawn's name or mine, Tim should have been on the first end credit.
Thanks for that link, P-C! That was exactly what I was hoping to hear.
Oh, me too! I'm really sad at not getting to see more of the characters I'd come to have a lot of affection for, but I'm sort of content, knowing these little bits of resolution.
It's not enough, but it'll do.
Sorry for your loss, of the show.
Not a surprise, but nice to hear it said about the test results. The imagery of Brit punching the air made me a little teary. Oh man, I'm gonna miss Hank and Brit.
Not a surprise, but nice to hear it said about the test results. The imagery of Brit punching the air made me a little teary. Oh man, I'm gonna miss Hank and Brit.
What Theresa said. Totally.
I do have to make one comment though
Terriers—set in fictional Ocean Beach, Calif.,
Um, I was
in "fictional" Ocean Beach. Is this like Tim's Buffy ep?
Um, I was born in "fictional" Ocean Beach.
No, you were born in the real Ocean Beach.
so you think!
That's right! Perhaps I don't really exist! Except you've met me...