No wonder my students think I'm a tough grader -- there's no way I'd give an A (of any kind) to a student that just met the requirements, even if they did them well. I reserve As for the people that went above and beyond
So do I , Sparky. I think that's the big difference between middle school and high school/college, though.
Not necessarily. For my first three years in a school with grades, I could count on one hand the number of As I gave. And these were highly motivated, occasionally gifted students.
A work has to be exemplary and not just merely proficient. And a C means a kid has met the standards as given.
Very valid point. My experience has been that most of the middle school teachers I work with tend to grade higher, but I shouldn't generalize. Apologies.
As a student, at any level, I always appreciated it when a teacher gave clear standards for grades. In high school, I used it to gauge how well I had mastered the skill or topic. In college, I used it as a time management tool. Great good heavens, I hated those times when I had to look at an assignment I could do to A standards, but had to choose to put it down so I could deal with unexpected things.
Kristen! Death by esophagus is not funny in real life! I'm glad you're feeling better.
Apparently Dollhouse pilot starts production April 23rd - [link]
I am pleased to report that a new spec has finally been completed without any further attacks of the esophagus.
Though I will be drinking half a bottle of Mylanta before going to sleep, just in case.
A work has to be exemplary and not just merely proficient. And a C means a kid has met the standards as given.
this. so much this.
I've taught high school, college, and grad school. The point at which I became truly "this is my not caring face," (to quote - I think - a very wise Fay) was when a 4th year college student argued a B because she'd "worked very hard." I'd been clear with standards. There were reviews given regularly and this student knew both where she stood and how she could improve.
I assumed then, and I will go on believing now, that everyone works extremely hard. I think that is one way we will continue to be a civilization that dreams of things, and creates things, rather than just consuming things. With that expectation.