I really like it. It sort of encapsulates that OB area for me with the surface charm and something less easily attractive underneath.
They showed the old Java Joe's building in the last ep. I don't know if the location person has the same nostalgia or if there is just a lot recognizable on the small area they showcase.
Does it sound like it belongs on The Magnetic Fields 69 Love songs to anyone else?
Everything makes so much more sense now. Thank you!
all caught up on terriers and loving it. 2 questions: what was hank using the credit card numbers *for*, and what is a "javelin man"?
Hank was buying porn, renting hotel rooms and generally doing stuff to get ex's new fiancee in trouble, plus costing ex's fiancee money.
Question: did the latest episode I missed (the amnesia one) advance the arc any, or was it a standalone that can be seen out of order?
If I'm remembering everything correctly (and that's not guaranteed), the episode didn't make any movements in the "oops, they accidentally killed someone" storyline. It did beautifully add more depth to Hank and Steph's relationship and we saw Britt and...Katie, I think her name is?... continue to deal with the fallout of Katie's drunken karaoke night, even though he doesn't know that's what's happening.
and what is a "javelin man"?
I feel fairly confident that that's a mistranscription and should be "travelin' man".
Here's the lyrics from Robert Duncan's site. Definitely "javelin man" -- I'm not sure what a javelin man is, like the song though
Those lyrics make no sense. Hallucinatory, Fever dream - the kind you get in a certain type of acid rock, only set to a surf-rock melody. (The lyrics dance at the edge of sense. You can tease partial meanings out of them.)
I don't care what his site says. I'm still going with "travelin'".