A creepy thing, for me, is that the police (really just Gustafson) are just letting them get away with what really could have been murder in a show set so thoroughly in San Diego. Given the old Craig Peyer case, it's weird.
Also while there are a lot of huge class differences in San Diego, they are making it more of a "thing" in places it's not. Ocean Beach isn't that far from La Jolla. Plus Hank's house isn't exactly in a cheap neighborhood or location, even if he does have jets inevitably taking off over his head.
But I am really loving Terriers. I can't wait to see where it goes and how these characters develop. It's the characters that have me hooked with all of their messiness. Life is messy.
I didn't watch the preview, of course the frickin' case isn't closed!
There was nothing in the preview about the larger arc (that I could tell).
Wait, crap, how are the ratings?
I was talking to Donal's old college roommate this past weekend (how's *that* for name-dropping?) who told me that Donal was worried because no one was watching.
Yeah, I've been on TWoP. The ratings are dismal. Even
Veronica Mars
got more viewers.
Damn, another show I like that will likely go away. I've really liked each episode more than the last.
Oh, no, really? I just assumed people were watching because it's good and I see references to it on twitter.
There may be a flaw in my logic, but the larger point is: rats!
Didn't DISH Network drop FX recently? I imagine that can't be helping with ratings.
The good thing about FX is that it won't be taken off the air before the season is over. So there's that.
I probably should add that I'm really enjoying Terriers, and because I'm watching MythBusters clip shows this weekend, I have to say that Britt and Hank's method of body disposal reminded me of the MythBusters Crash and Burn episode.
I pimped Terriers to my Jossverse ex-bandmate. I dunno who else needs to be watching.
Donal was worried because no one was watching.
I am not no one! Though, you know, I know I don't contribute to any U.S. ratings. Rats.
But I really do enjoy this show (and I can say that some local Israelis are enjoying it too). Even when the theme gets stuck in my head for hours. And I really love Stephanie's character. I totally get her on the Proust thing. The dude's depressing, and that's that.