I'm just going to have to pretend Kevin missed the scene in question, which used Patti Smith's "Horses" to astonishing effect.
IIRC, Chris Carter turned the show over to Morgan and Wong as showrunners for the second season, while he worked on the X-Files movie, and then came back for season 3.
I saw this quote on Alan Sepiwall's blog:
I have the exact same problems you had Alan - I believe Dushku will be the series' biggest liability. She is like a Caucasian Michelle Rodriguez - does one thing very well (vulnerable bad ass) but that's about it.
Sepinwell argues Allyson's point:
But in the early going, "Dollhouse" feels less like a show that's been a victim of network goonery than a show that had some basic problems in conception that still need to be addressed.
The premise of DH does have good points, though - for a start, you can pretty much do any kind of episode, because the characters can be anybody and anything. It's pretty broad.
I watched a brief minute of "Out of Gas" last night by chance. It was the scene at the end, with Mal getting patched up with his 'family' around him. Him asking if they'll be there when he gets back. Simple drama. And it absolutely works. It works because it's emotional. You know what Mal has been through, and it's effecting because of that. I think Dollhouse's challenge is to get people to care about Echo et all. A signature thing in Whedon's work is the notion of 'found family' - it's something that I truly believe in as a good thing - and Dollhouse lacks that entirely. These characters don't even like each other.
My favourite Lost episode: THE ONE WHERE THEY EXPLAIN JACK'S TATTOO FINALLY. It's a page turner!
Ha, according to Lindelof and Cuse, that's the most important episode of the series BECAUSE it's so bad. And helped show ABC that the show was not exactly sustainable in an open-ended format.
I don't think you do have to watch it, Laga. I think you could start with this season and get into it. Everything that happens on the show is so batshit insane, but this year has been terrific in its batshit insanity, and there really is direction, now.
I think at the very least she should start with season four (or the season three finale), which is where the show radically changed direction and became awesome.
Speaking of soap operas...I have found a website that has all the clips of the classic Jack/Jennifer years on DOOL.
umm, so are there any Patch/Kayla clips (I distinctly remember jumping up and yelling YES!!! when he finally told her he loved her)
DAMN YOU! My student assistant is right outside my office, I can't watch it until I get home. WAH!
Patch/Kayla! Ah, memories of my college TV room . . .