I'm also very glad for Nathan Fillion, because he made such a good Alex Tully I can't see this other guy doing it.
I'm with you on that.
Nic Lea and Alan Ruck were both great, but I can see any number of reasons for replacing them. I wonder why April Grace didn't make it into the final cast though. I've liked everything I've seen her do.
I'm also very glad for Nathan Fillion, because he made such a good Alex Tully I can't see this other guy doing it.
Me three. I'd forgotten they'd started out with someone else. There's really a difference in level of performance as far as I'm concerned. And Nathan just looked more like a Tully to me, don't ask me why. It's funny the way some characters work or don't work just based on the match up between name and physical appearance.
The first time I saw 'Drive' it had the-other-guy as Alex Tully. I thought he was okay, but - well - he looks a bit like an action man to me (you know, the ones with the wobbly eyes and pull strings). I didn't get the impression he could hit anybody.
Then Fillion rolled on screen. Drive started to really hang together then - he bought me into the story with him. I believed that Alex Tully would punch me if I pissed him off, and golly gosh, he punched a load of people. I don't normally approve of hitting people, but when Fillion does it I find it kinda awesome. Make him the next President Elect and send him to naughty countries, that's all I'm saying.
The episode where Tully gets his new car made that show for me. It was pure fun on my telebox.
I somehow have never seen Strange World, which makes me sad.
Sometimes they will play episodes on Scifi.
I still can't believe the Dollhouse thing. Friday night? Seriously?
Sometimes they will play episodes on Scifi.
I always seem to miss those. I'll find out that there was a marathon...yesterday. It needs to come out on DVD already.
I still can't believe the Dollhouse thing. Friday night? Seriously?
I still can't believe SCC got a full season order. Seriously.
I still can't believe SCC got a full season order. Seriously.
I thought last night's episode was really really good.
My surprise has less to do with quality and more with ratings.