More people should listen to me. It would cement my power in this realm.
I think Clovis would have something to say about that.
Clovis assures me he already has a control tag on P-C. I'm not quite sure how, but I've learned not to question the Devilbunny when he says those sorts of things.
I reviewed the first ep of Dollhouse for Dollverse, and in reference to squick factor - it's still there for me in part. Although it's only in the background. For the most part the episode is fun. The show's world is also very rich. Joss = good.
I thought it reminded me of The Inside in terms of tone.
This is crafty and Tim related! [link]
omigod, those are AWESOME!
Oh, my, I want those! All of them. Just adorable.
Wee Jayne even has a cunning hat! Oh, so cute.