waves back to megan
I can haz sleep? Pleez?
I don't like winter. At least, I don't like winter here, in an in-between climate. If there were snow and frozen places, that would be OK, because I could be outside skating or skiing or something. If it were warm enough that I could go bike riding, that would also be OK. But it's just cold. No pretty snow, just ugly bare trees. A bit too warm for the outdoor rinks. Too cold to go bike riding without triggering my asthma. Feh.
Maybe I ought to get a sunlamp. A "feh" attitude plus weird sleep patterns during the winter doesn't seem good.
Huh. There's no quoty "greater than" symbol on this keyboard.
I don't like winter. At least, I don't like winter here, in an in-between climate.
That's what I really didn't like about living in Maryland. If I'm going to have winter, give me a real winter.
Damn, I was having an interesting dream where Dr. House was actually solving a murder mystery (instead of a medical mystery) at a research institution. I want to know who did it, because I woke up before it ended.
Today I have 11 hours of classes. Of course I woke up with a major sinus headache, which is making the prospect so so very gronkful. At least there shouldn't be as much traffic as normal....
I had several dreams, including one where I had to sit through a class where a student told the teacher what a bad teacher I was. Possibly because I'd taught evolution. Blargh.
Charles Barkley, you magnificant bastard: [link]
Awsome! Sir Charles, every time I'm ready to dismiss you as a self-important blowhard, you go and do something like this. Kudos.
Libkitty, I think it's CBS period, not syndicated, though it wouldn't surprise me if certain affiliates chose not to air it.
I know it's Monday, but this is ridiculous. Is everybody sleeping in?
I'm here!
I'm also contemplating how to introduce and describe the human digestive system while steering clear of the end stages. Because my kids are pretty good, but they're still (primarily) teenage boys.
Also, I'm starting to think I was much wittier when I was a computer science student.
Emily, just let them giggle away about the poop.
I'm here. I'm cold and sniffly and pathetic. And at work.