I stopped reading when I got to this:
I wanted to stop after the second sentence:
Because as far as cars go, I know what turns a woman on and what really turns her off.
Possibly I'm oversensitive to this issue because I've dated guys who thought they needed to impress people with their cars when I would have been far more impressed with them if they'd actually thought books were worth reading.
Who would you rather lick: Bush, Cheney
We at work call this game Death is Not an Option.
But we go beyond licking. You must do one of the listed pairing.
Odds are good a night with me would kill Cheney. Talk about taking one for the team.
The ops supervisor and I cannot manage a single task without it becoming a bumbled comedy routine. It took us FOUR HOURS to do something that should have taken 1. Because we can never remember exactly how we did it the last time and the machines seem to take a perverse delight in screwing up in new and inventive ways. We have an absolutely hilarious time , but it's really inefficient.
I'm so writing up the instructions for real this time.
I'm sure at some point my butt will itch, so I plan on scratching it.
Then there's cleaning, watching
Flying to Paris!!
Skipping ahead and out to say I'll be going dark until Oscar night since I'll be visiting family in France for the next week.
Flying to Paris!!
That's gonna be tough for anyone to top....
I live to serve...
and I'm very late for my flight--nonstop SFO to CDG--yikes!
Have a great week everyone!
Man, I should go to Paris.
This weekend, I'm: seeing some one-act play a sort-of coworker wrote or directed or some shit, going to a baby shower for my cousin, birthday dinner for a friend, NOT GOING TO WORK ON MONDAY, and doing laundry.