Chuck the Romans!
The Romans in my mind are all the people from
the HBO series...So I'm really going to have to F it.
I can't decide between Greece & Egypt though. I think Egypt would appreciate me more. So I'm going to M it.
And C Greece.
Sorry, flea.
Timelies all!
I am posting this from G's laptop, in the lobby of the Boskone hotel.
FCM: Ancient Greece, cooking grease,
(the musical)
Um, apologies if I was a little het up. God, I hate the Romans. I mean, concrete is a good thing, but...
I love that we have Classics Smackdown.
dude, I love Rome (the city, not show). that's all I got.
wonder how long before I can manage a big vacation again.
F - Ancients Greece and Rome
M - Ancient Egypt
M - Ancient Greece
C - cooking grease
F - Grease
What kind of cooking grease are we talking about, anyway? I mean, if it's duck fat, that changes the whole equation...
F, C, M: duck, goose, swan (the birds, not the grease. not that you'd have to marry a bird.)
C Ancient Greece?? WTFF??? The Romans are a bunch of concrete-developing, butt-slapping football players! The Greeks write poetry! Chuck the Romans!
But it was much better to be a woman in Rome than Greece. Sure, Greece is fascinating, and I've even got a plot bunny for some novels set there, but if you forced me to go live in an ancient culture, I'd pick Rome all the way.
(This is possibly influenced by the fact that when I imagine myself in Rome I'm named Helena Justina and I'm living with Marcus Didius Falco.)