Maybe part of the program is still loaded?
Is this Windows? You can use the Task Manager to kill any process associated with the application. (Right-click on the task bar to get to Task Manager. Check both the Application and Processes tabs for any trace of the program.)
eta: Woops - I missed that you shut it down and restarted. Never mind.
the video for this song, set to the theme of "We Are the World,"
This is what gives it the win, to my eye. It's not just a couple of people cheerfully bleeping the day away during the writers' strike; it's a
humanitarian effort
to bring the bleep to the poor and troubled of this world. Which category apaprently includes Ben Affleck.
Now Kimmel is striking back with a song called "I'm [bleep]ing Ben Affleck." Our source told us the video for this song, set to the theme of "We Are the World," will star Affleck, Robin Williams, Don Cheadle, Harrison Ford, Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz.
Great, just great.
Now I'll have to watch Kimmel.
Who would you rather lick? Patrick Stewart or Ian McKellan
Stewart. Me licking McKellan would qualify as foreplay, and while I think he's great I don't like him in that way.
Who would you rather lick: Bush, Cheney
We at work call this game Death is Not an Option.
But we go beyond licking. You must do one of the listed pairing.
Kissinger or Pol Pot is a good example of DINAO as played.
tommy - it actually did show still open even after a restart, so I got it shut down that way, so now it allows me to try and open, but when I log on it says I am already logged on. Head. Desk.
I have requested admin rights.
in my headspace DINAO would be much more powerful as:
weekend indoors. options:
teething overtired toddler vs. flu having whiny significant other
tommy - it actually did show still open even after a restart,
Yeah, I noticed that after I posted so I edited....
The only thing I can think of is maybe there's a file somewhere that serves to flag that the program is still open....
I would have this exact problem using Mozilla under Linux. If I killed the file then it would work.
F, C, M: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt
I just realized that my extreme boredom and twitchiness
be due to the extreme amounts of caffeine I have consumed today in the effort to clear my brain fog.
And I'm still not awake. Does that seem right to you?