He's plenty slow still. You probably have a few days before the OMG emergency baby gate run - so plan ahead, and get them this weekend!
Speaking of baby-proofing, this article in the NYT cracked me up: [link]
The people who had to remove their designer chairs with "razor-sharp edges" when they had a kid... what about before they had kids, when regular old klutzy people like me came to visit? Or do they only have graceful friends?
OH! I've been meaning to say that I have drawer baby guards as well as stove knob baby guards if any b.org parents are in want of them. They were never used since mac was 5 and not a 2 year old.
I hate the NYTimes's "lifestyle" articles.
what about before they had kids, when regular old klutzy people like me came to visit? Or do they only have graceful friends?
Maybe they just don't like their friends?
I hate the NYTimes's "lifestyle" articles.
Yeah, I got about three paragraphs into that yesterday before I realized I didn't care about people whose kids put a cramp in their interior decorating.
I think the Style section should be read from the perspective of three glasses of gin.
Okay, people who put up silk Shantung curtains in the babies' room are either too dumb to breed, or too rich to complain about it. Seriously.
msbelle, thanks for the offer, but we're planning to just put up a gate and make the whole kitchen off-limits.
My biggest worry right now is the TV shelf. Like his Mom, Dylan is drawn to shiny blinky things with buttons on them, but I'd rather the Tivo not turn into a teething toy.
I think the Style section should be read from the perspective of three glasses of gin.
Given that I suspect it's written from that perspective, you're probably right.
Still, I'm proud to know that I'm squarely in the prime fine-furniture-buying years. It gives me a powerful sense of identity that I feel my generation has always lacked.
My kids are 11 and almost 18 (!!!!!). We still have child locks on the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms. Now we view them as earthquake safety devices.
Make the volume control inaccessible. Your ears will thank you. D thought it was great fun to stand in front of the stereo, hit buttons until the bass-y-est station came on and CRANK that sucker up and down. And since the tv used the same speakers, you'd unsuspectingly turn on the tv later and practically get blown across the room.