That IO Cable commercial is SO ODD. It is on during Ellen everyday and so I see it on FF and I feel so bad for the people wearing those crazyass costumes.
We had a good morning at the belle household, which is better than the rest of the week, so I am feeling positive about the world.
sumi, if you're around, how are you doing?
Here is the freaky IO Cable commercial: [link]
(warning: freaky!)
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I didn't log on last night. . . um, I tried but I managed to completely forget that my modum wasn't actually hooked up to the phone.
(I have a splitter but I've put tivo on one side and had the phone on the other and it took me until I woke up this morning to figure out why I couldn't log on. . .)
Yeah, thoroughly weird yesterday. Left the office and there were helicopters hovering over campus like giant mosquitos. And then NIU was on Anderson Cooper 360. Bizarre.
And the news broke into and RUINED the beginning of SPN with a Press Conference. (The Uni Pres looked like a wreck.) How the heck am I supposed to escape when reality breaks into my escapist tv???
There is a 7th fatality and it looks like another press conference at 9 am (in half an hour) and the local hospital is going to have one at 11.
Dear People:
If you keep changing the agenda, tell me to videocon in at 9 in an email, verbally confirm with me 9 am the day before, do NOT go looking for me at 8:30. I don't care if you are 5 hours ahead. You have a European vacation. I just have to get up earlier.
No love,
Also, would it KILL the xxx team to tell me they decided not to deliver 8x the data, but rather something smaller BEFORE the told our partners? Gee, thanks for making me look like an idiot.
I'm so tired that I think I might be a zombie. I hope that I don't start craving brains later.
I still have the ick, and came to work anyway. That was incredibly stupid of me (although at least today's ick is less coughing and more sounding like an undercaffeinated frog.)
I will be content if no Buffistas make the national news.
In related subjects, I dreamed this morning that Tom Scola martyred himself for the cause of Ukrainian independence, in a particularly nasty area of street-fighting. I think I was actually listening to a Beeb report about Kosovo's declaring independence, and the fact that Russia doesn't like it, but... somehow that turned into sitting around a hotel conference room in a slavic country reading news reports and watching TV waiting for a glimpse of people we knew.
Scola, please don't martyr yourself! We prefer you alive. Ukraine doesn't need any more independence anyway.