I also do not have Monday off.
grumble grumble
I can't complain too much I guess, since we get just about every other possible holiday off (exc. Columbus Day and Patriot's Day), and when we lost those 3 we got personal days. Don't mind working President's Day that much, aside from the abreviated commuter train schedule.
Jesse, come visit! Not really a glamorous vacation, but we'd like to see you.
Jesse, come visit! Not really a glamorous vacation, but we'd like to see you.
Hmmm. Maybe... What about my lack of driving?
You'll see Noah! He's very therapeutic.
Hmmm. The no driving thing could be pesky. But depending on when you are here, I could just chauffeur you.
OH! At this moment, I live by two train stations!
I have joined the Legions Of The Ick today. Blerg.
At some point I should try to eat something more substantial than water.
I have joined the Legions Of The Ick today. Blerg.
Oh noes! Everybody I know (including myself) has been there too much this winter (or fall for that matter). Health-ma to Jess.
Wait, why would people get Monday off? Is it a thing?
If I finish all my work, can I go home?