Last time around, there was a little kid who went to the school showing off different things to her mom. Cute!
I keep meaning to go to the new Applebee's by me, but have yet to actually go. And I don't think today's going to be the day, either. Maybe I'll have tuna salad for lunch. Hm.
My voting place is the gym of the local Lutheran church/school.
My lunch (already consumed): turkey, avocado, and lettuce in a wrap; corn chowdah; and string cheese (because I love feeling like I'm eviscerating my food). Later? An orange. Possibly yogurt.
We vote at a Baptist church. I don't do the early voting thing because I always enjoy the friendly poll people and invariably run into my neighbors. It's a nice social event thing.
It is pouring rain. Has been for 2 days. This is a wonderful thing because we need it badly. Unfortunately for me, it would appear something isn't sealed quite right in my car because I have puddles on the floor. Ugh. Perhaps in the months between this and the next rainfall I can figure out what the problem is. I fear it may get moldy smelling though. Ugh again.
But huge booming thunder storms that only sometimes take out power and internet! Whee!
We had rain last night. Wonderful rain. Glorious rain. There's nothing like the driest year in the state's history to make you appreciate rain.
Today, however, it is 30, windy and gray.
I am on my second box of Kleenex at work. I've only been here a month and a half.
IOgoodN - I found a monthly bill for something we no longer need, so now we are cancelling it and saving a tiny bit of money.
Our ice storm has turned into cold, drizzly rain.
There are people drinking and playing golf in the hall.
It certainly isn't a good day to do those outside. At least, not around here.
My lunch didn't take! I'm starving.