Shit, Vortex. I've got covered parking at work, so the only thing was the interior getting warm enough that water didn't ice on the windshield while driving home (which was an issue. I was ok stopping off at the store but after that it went to shit before I clued in to turn on the defrost vents.)
I watched a couple people stand still on the sidewalk and still slide downhill. I really hope it warms above freezing by 9-ish.
So, are any NYCistas around? I'm gonna be in their neck of the woods this weekend.
Ooh! Holli!
I'm around. Profile Addy Good!
Why aren't my pictures uploading to Flickr? Is this some sort of conspiracy to make me not get any sleep or something?
As long as I'm Flickring, here's a picture of my Chumley, who was being awful cute.
Ugh, I have the ick. I see it's popular round here, too.
Feh. I need to go to bed, but I fear the congestion.
ALSO, did you know today you can get a free short stack of pancakes at ihop? [link]
Things I wish I'd read much earlier in the day.
Happy Birthday Maria and Kristin!!
Sheet of ice on my windshield tonight. Used de-icer and then just road salt while the car was turned on with the defroster running full-blast, and it still took for freaking ever to get the ice chipped off.
Then I fell onto my hands and knees walking up the driveway. Ouch. Could have been worse. I crawled about a foot to the gate and pulled myself up. Oh! And the car slid a little ways down the incline I parked it on in front of the house after I had the emergency brake on. Good thing I had the wheels pointed the right way.
Fucking ice.
ETA: Oh, yeah - and I have the very beginnings of a sore throat. Super!
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Kristin and Maria.
Dang, a raccoon just ran across the roof. Those guys are big.
Then I decided to walk to the watering hole to get a bucket of water to start boiling leaves for that friggin' whooping cough that won't let up
This was so much funnier before I discovered Le Whoop is still catchable. No, actually it's still pretty damn funny. But with added pain.
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ha ha hah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah