Samurai dog armor shows pet armers how it was done in the good old days
While this armor for cats and mice is contemporary art (Itcy and Scratchy inspired, perhaps?), this suit of dog armor is authentic and 200 years old. Historians estimate that the armor was built in Japan between 1800 and 1850 (possibly before) and belonged to a high-ranking samurai. It's the only known suit of its kind and was quite expensive for the original owner — its materials include chanfron armor, doeskin leather, silk brocade, a hand-carved wooden mask and gold leaf.
I've been scanning through some output to verify it did the right thing. Did you know that if you are looking at a column of a lot of sixes, you'll start seeing fives where there aren't any?
Did you know that if you are looking at a column of a lot of sixes, you'll start seeing fives where there aren't any?
Sometimes I take the 206 bus to work (from the Howard CTA station). At a distance it's almost impossible to tell the 206 bus and 205 bus apart. One of these days I'm going to end up at the Old Orchard Shopping Center instead of at work....
lisah, Sox!
They hired Dan Rodriks (of the Sun) to replace Steiner: [link]
I hope to God fake, tiggy. Makes me queasy and angry just looking at it.
exactly how i felt, JZ. people are strange and off-putting.
now that is hilarious!
I know! I suspect ass-covering- hire someone equally as vocally committed to the city & well known.
I suspect ass-covering- hire someone equally as vocally committed to the city & well known
definitely. Did you see that they had to postpone their pledge drive because of the Steiner thing?
It's a positively deliciously crafty move. Too bad they couldn't have used some of that clever to avoid getting themselves into this mess in the first place.
Too bad they couldn't have used some of that clever to avoid getting themselves into this mess in the first place.
seriously. Evidently Rodricks had a show on WBAL for a while. "Toothless" according to my friend. But I never saw it so I dunno.