Foodistas? What really tastes better roasted than cooked (low fat) on top of the stove? Chicken yes, carrots and potatos yes, brussel sprouts no. Any general rules? What about fish? Any taste advantage to roasting or baking over stovetop cooking?
After years of cooking only in microwave and on top of the stove decided to figure out what that oven thingie is for.
On Edit re savings: yeah, if you are debt free I think there is a major argument to be made for a savings account. But I have no doubt you are better off with lower credit card debt than a savings account if you have to choose.
Brussels sprouts are totally better roasted! As are many vegetables, like beets and asparagus.
Typo - chop up squash, onions, and sweet potatoes. toss with sea-salt and rosemary, garlic and olive oil on a baking sheet or in a lasagne pan. roast.
you will see.
Hmm I roasted some brussel sprouts in the oven with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic. The did not come out nearly as sweet and tasty as on top of the stove.
Maybe the heat wasn't high enough? How do you cook them on the stove? Or maybe you just like it better!
ION, I'm watching African American Lives from PBS, and it totally makes me want to do geneology! I want to know about my family's Honky American lives!
Salmon and trout both turn out much better oven-roasted than stovetop. I'd stick to sautee pans for shellfish, though.
Oven roasted potatoes, pepeers, and brocolli/cauliflower are quite nummy.
It is really fucking windy out there.
semi-famous person I went to school with
I think my only candidate for that category is Melanie Moore. Brad Pitt left the semester before I arrived.