the locust’s coma has many of the same characteristics seen in people at the onset of a migraine.
more re: migraines: [link]
it's catching on... all the cool kids are doing it....
STABBITYSTAB if the cycle doesn't stopstopstopOMGSTOPTHISTHINGSOON?
If you have to ask why, you'll never know.
Is this a bad thing? And was it made by a seriously deranged plushie?
I should have known it wasn't you because of the errant commas
::snerk:: May I tag that?
Tommy, how is that not Photoshop? Or at the very least not torture?
The first picture looked photoshopped; the second, though, NSM.
I need hivemind assistance. Many months ago, I downloaded a Dr. Who filk of "Hey Ya" (where the chorus is "Taaardiiiiis"). What would it be called? I really don't want to scroll through the songs on Halfrek one by one.
Cat Propaganda
Wow. Combines two of my loves: cats and 1920s Soviet propaganda posters. My faves are Chairman Meow and Abyssinian Dictator.
More bizarre coffins: [link] Including a giant Coke bottle, giant fish, etc....