From my IM:
me: [5-year-old linky]
hub: 27
me: It's because you can kick higher than me, isn't it?
hub: Probably. Also, I have a 58% chance of surviving a zombie attack.
me: But how are those comparable? I mean, are they 5-yr-old zombies?
hub: I think 5-yr-old zombies are accounted for in the zombie quiz, but I don't think zombie 5-yr-olds are accounted for in the 5-yr-old quiz.
I scored 13. Which was way more than I expected, as I'm overweight and out of shape and a little dubious about beating the crap out of a kid.
The Boy scored 18, because although he is athletic, he has a moral center. (It's chewy.)
Theo -- 31?!?
I scored 25, offsetting being overweight and only slightly trained with a longer-than-average reach and an attitude toward children that makes W. C. Fields look like Mary Poppins by comparison.
We took the zombie survival one, and I only have a 29% chance of survival, because I'm slow and don't own a gun, and I'd try to save my zombified loved one.
The Boy has a 53% chance of survival, because he'd shoot me in the head after one last look. (Er, if I were a zombie, that is. I think he'd think a little longer about shooting me if I were un-zombified, though I *am* dead weight.)
Which one do you shop at?
I bought those at 20th & SM, that's the one by my OB/Gyn.
I haven't checked out the 5 yr old game. I'm a bit scared of my score, but I'm not sure what I'm more worried about, it being high or it being low.
I can't remember my zombie survival score, but it was better than average yet still low enough that I'd become zombie chow before winning my way to safety.
21. But only because I have no compulsion about making little kids cry. And hurt. And bleed.
The SCA experience and having been over-run in a mosh pit apparently helps, as well.
22 5 year olds here. I think my reach and height helped a lot.
I only got 18. Which honestly seems like a lot, given my experience with five-year-olds.
25. Long arms, legs and I've actually swung a 5 year old.
(When D and I would have wrestling matches, it was my triumphant move: pick him up by his ankles and swing him around until my arms got tired and fling him on the couch, where the dizzy boy would sit shrieking with laughter and trying to catch his breath.)