They weigh less than I do, so that's a start.
I'm guessing heroin chic never made it from the Calvin Klein ads to the runway, if this is new. Janice Dickinson was certainly casting hollow-abdomened guys in her first season of the reality show. Curious about the newness.
I understand the designers are not looking for a male image anymore. They’re looking for some kind of androgyne
And here is the equality. They've been stripping away gender signifiers in couture for years, and now they're doing it to guys too.
However I'm way out of touch of the current differences between the desired image for general runway, couture, catalogue, etc. I know they vary muchly.
That's really not that new.
Oh, I know. I'm just whining because the high-fashion world I actually care nothing about declines to cater to my personal tastes!
Utah newsblogs are going nuts. Apparently the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are polishing up their boots and getting the saddles out. Half of the responses I see are "Oh, well, the Democrats will lead us to such wrack and ruin that the coutnry will be grateful to vote for Romney in 2012 and put us back on the path to righteousness" and the other half are going "Well, you know, Obama's not that bad, when you think about it."
I think I'll put a Clinton sticker on my car--except I'd get a rock through my window for it.
Interesting article in Jezebel for the Sephora-gers among us: [link]
I saw a bumper sticker in town yesterday that said, "I miss Bill."
I think we moved to the right town.
Today exists because it is the first day in twenty-odd years I'm not wearing glasses! I got LASIK last night, peoples!
Exciting! Did you wear glasses all the time? I ask because I don't necessarily picture you wearing glasses, but I could just be on crack.
I suspect I need stronger support than moderate, because my foot is huge beyond "varicose vein" size, but I have limits.
I stand behind my suggestion that $70 in unappealing tights is better than having your LEG EXPLODE.
Wait, what?! Romney might be withdrawing?
Huh. So Huckabee wasn't just insane on Tuesday when he said, "This is a two-man race, and we're still in it"?
Jesus, now Kirsten Dunst is in rehab.
Huh. I guess Heath Ledger dying made people take a harder look at themselves?
I seriously want to die. OK, not die in the actual Heath Ledger sense. But I've been in meetings since 3 o'clock yesterday. I barely remember going home last night. And I still have actual shit to do! Argh. The one good thing is that all of our senior management is in meetings next Monday and maybe Tuesday.
Interesting article in Jezebel for the Sephora-gers among us
I don't go in there any more. The salespeople are either mean to me, or seem to consciously avoid me.
I don't know why. I mean, have you seen me? I have 11 completely different products on my face right now.
Allyson, your skill with cosmetics intimidates them.
I've only ever been ignored at Sephora, no matter how much time I spend looking lost and picking up product.
We're going to Indiana this weekend for a delayed family Christmas and to celebrate Liv's birthday. My sister told me to "pack light" because we'd need room in the minivan. *sigh* How many times do I have to tell my family NOT to go nuts? The playroom looks like a tornado picked up a Toy R Us and deposited in our basement.
I also need to get packed before I pick Owen up from school.