That made me really want to live in AK....
That's the adventure! Actually, this isn't usually that bad with modern tires. I had family in the interior in the 40s and 50s, though, and they could tell some pretty amazing stories. I was there in the 80s, and despite being there for the coldest month on record, we had it easy.
I was reading Word Freak (Jesse and ita, if you haven't read it, you must. It's written by Stefan Fastis about competitive scrabble). He mentions that in Hebrew the word grace is an anagram of Noah. Life is weird.
Blog entry? meh? maybe.
I'm not there. When I was in weather that cold, yeah, it kind of did. You needed to breath slowly, shallowly, through a couple of scarves.
I don't think I could survive that kind of cold. I love the idea of Alaska. I just think the reality of living there is unfathomable (whether its wicked bitter cold, unbearable mosquitoes or extreme Fairbanks heat).
He mentions that in Hebrew the word grace is an anagram of Noah. Life is weird.
Blog entry? meh? maybe.
maybe it's just the good food and great conversations doing something to my brain, but I read this and thought - wow, I'd like to see that blog entry, or whatever it becomes.
Nope. Do I use a blog entry for my writing piece for tomorrow?
Nah. I'll just use a previous piece. Then I'll add to it for the other writing group.
What kind of writing does your writing group do Kat?
Well, for tomorrow, it's a work thing. So it's teachers who are on release time from their school site and instructional coaches like me. People do all sorts of stuff, but it usually gets compiled into an anthology that is sent to all the school sites. It's not a very personal group so I'm hesitant to share personal writing.
My usual group is also teachers. Or rather retired teachers and me. I'm the youngest member by like 35 years. They've been meeting for 20+ years and I joined three years ago. I do share a lot of more personal stuff I'm working on there.
For tomorrow, I'll take a poem I started about the carillon at UCLA. Boring but distant enough and work appropriate. For the other, I'll take another chapter in a thing I've been writing about infertility.