Sorry to start a whole thing and then disappear, but the higher-ups are here from NY and I’ve been in a meeting all morning.
The list I posted is a set of
to help you eat food that is less processed. They are not meant to be taken literally. If the food has oodles of ingredients, it is more likely that it is processed and there might be things you don’t want to eat, or things that our bodies haven’t figured out how to process efficiently. His point about traditional foods is that they have evolved (and been tested on humans) over centuries. One example he uses is tofu. Soy as tofu is something that is time-tested; other soy products, or randomly adding soy to everything, not so much.
I always took the "what grandparents would recognize as food" suggestion as an elimination of things like "methylchloroisothiazolinone".
Or, what Trudy said.
As for chicken, eggs, and beef, “free range” doesn’t necessarily mean very much (as Jess said) and he does mean grass-finished. Because people are starting to demand grass-fed cows, marketers use the term grass finished to appeal these people, even if the cows are primarily grain fed.
I am hitting a wall. post-lunch/repetitive paperwork/end of internets.
please to post/send links
Happy semi-nekkid Gracie [link]
Grace reading, sleeping.
Noah sitting!, not sitting.
There are things my great- grandmothes recognized as food that I simply will not. Never. Lutefisk, people.
I'm probably more likely to try people than lutefisk, presuming humane killing, etc.
ION, I still haven't decided whom to vote for tomorrow. I hate to be a one-issue voter, but I think I'm just going to have to pick the candidate whose position is closest to mine in the three issues closest to my heart.
Heh. I figure my (paternal) grandpa was a farmer, and he grew a lot of soy. So tofu and edamame, he may not have eaten, and may not have recognized as real food, but I'm down with them! :)
His point about traditional foods is that they have evolved (and been tested on humans) over centuries. One example he uses is tofu. Soy as tofu is something that is time-tested; other soy products, or randomly adding soy to everything, not so much.
Ah -- I was actually just starting to think of how processed tofu actually is. So coffee's OK, too, then.
I would like to give mit romney and his minions cooties. They need to stop calling me, now.
I am confused why people take things like 'eat like your great grandparents' so literally. But maybe it is because I read so much about food that I automatically interpret to mean " watch out for processed food" .
as for the intuit diet , he was talking about the original diet - not what they are eating now. and I suspect their lifestyle has changed enough that their original diet wouldn't be the best choice either.
honestly, diet and lifestyle need to match better. When DH did a lot of long distance runner ( marathon distances at least 2x a month) it made no difference what he ate. One of the biggest mind changes for him is that not all food is equal. But he no longer leads the runner lifestyle, so his diet has to change ( he's figuring it out)
A new study shows for the first time a gender difference in the brain's response to video games.
Video games, the male brain, and addiction
Do you guys know the Pioneer Woman Cooks blog? Everything she makes would be extraordinarily unhealthy for me to eat all the time, but for someone who actually works a ranch like she and her husband do, it's different. Of course, all of her stuff looks delicious, because every recipe starts with a pound of butter and/or bacon.