I had Chun King chop suey (or maybe chow mein?) in a can for many, many a childhood dinner. Really two cans, because you got the exciting extra can of crunchy noodles to sprinkle on top.
Ooh, we had that, too! Exotic.
American Chop Suey, however, is macaroni in tomato sauce. I know.
Get a Wii! They have a Harvey Birdman game!
Well, PS2 is cheaper and has guitar hero and rock band. Which are apparently the second coming of fun.
Your fiance is only 31? I have no opinion to offer on gift options, just a vague sense of elderly decrepitude and "Oh, you kids, with your newfangled game systems and all."
In his defense, he is going to be 32. And also I myself don't understand game systems, and think they're for kids, but apparently I'm wrong and all 30-year-olds play video games.
Anne Garrels plays a Wii in Baghdad!
Ellen Degeneres loves Guitar Hero, and she's 50!
I mostly had variations on traditional English and Scottish dishes, spiced up with lentils and paprika for variety.
This explains more about me than I care to admit.
Anne Garrels plays a Wii in Baghdad!
I hate video games, but I have family-dynamics issues about them.
I had Chun King chop suey (or maybe chow mein?) in a can for many, many a childhood dinner. Really two cans, because you got the exciting extra can of crunchy noodles to sprinkle on top.
Of course, none of us now (including the parent who got the vile glop) can believe we were eating that while living a scant 30-some-odd miles from San Francisco's Chinatown (and probably only 20 from Oakland's). We know better now, is all I can say.
Heh. At least I had the excuse of growing up in rural Wisconsin....
I don't think I had authentic Chinese on a regular basis until I moved to Madison. (The only time I had it before was when my aunt would take us to Chinese places in Chicago and San Francisco.) There was one place in Chicago that had ceilings so low I had to duck to walk around in it (I was around 13-ish?) - any Chicagoistas know what this place is?
I have been reliably informed that there is a Wii version of Guitar Hero. But I played the PS2 version yesterday and can definitively state that it is Teh Awesome.
a) chickens and eggs should be pastured (not free range)
Huh? Pastured versus free range? I suspect almost all "free range" chickens are kept in some kind of larger fence. People aren't going to go out and hunt down a chicken on their acreage to sell commercially. I buy free-range eggs because egg factories are probably the cruelest thing we do to animals for food.
b) beef should be 100% grass fed (not grass finished)
Again, huh? Most cattle live on grass until the last part of their lives, when they're grain finished. If you leave them on grass, they're grass finished. Grass-finished meat isn't necessarily organic or free from hormones, but is lower fat. It's probably better for the environment, although to rapidly fatten cattle, I'm guessing there could be fertilizers and pesticides involved in managing the pasture. Truly grass-fed animals, such as the old herds of buffalo, do make food from land unsuitable for crops.
I (37) kind of shamelessly love video games, but have no urges whatsoever toward guitar hero.