NO plans. I am trying to figure out something meaningful to do for lent. I want it to be significant enought o actually make me aware of it and think on it, but also not so hard that it will be impossible.
Possible contenders:
- swap 30 min of internet or tv at night for stretching or meditation
- either stop unnecessary impulse buys (coffee/snack out/card/flowers)and give that money to the orphange - or match the money once spent in a donation
- take one thing out of my home each day - never to return
- swap 30 min of internet or tv at night for writing someone some real mail.
- no sodas.
Maybe I will see if I can set up a poll in LJ.
Carrot Top, who I have kissed.
I don't have any lenten goals. I think the 101 thing is enough to work on for someone of my limited mental and emotional capacities.
I've given up on hemming my jeans and just cut the pants to where I want it. I'll let it fray. This is not a hipster idea; it's a too lazy to hem idea.
I've been reading Michael Pollan, so I am giving up processed foods for Lent. Which shouldn't be too hard since I don't eat that much that is processed to begin with. Of course, compared to giving up alcohol last year, almost anything will seem easy.
Lisa, how many weeks is she? If she's being induced before her due date, she could still be in the pretty boring cervix ripening stage.
From the Sun - which prompted me to do a double-take, since nowhere in there do they mention "Baltimore"
'Bozzuto wants listeners upset by Steiner's firing to wait before they hastily change the dial.
"I would ask them to wait and see what we will have. It will be a forum for discussion. It will have a call-in element. And we will have a host who discusses the issues of the day," she says. "We think it will be an even better show. Just give as an opportunity to show you want will come next."'
so, um - no. I won't wait. Changing dial. Lisah, did you see the email campaign coming in from Lauraville?
Mardi Gras plans:
Liv to the pediatrician at 9
Owen to school at 12:45
Pick from school at 3:15
Yoga class at 4:45
Hopefully there will be pancakes at some point.
That carrot hat is the CUTEST.
Lisa, how many weeks is she? If she's being induced before her due date, she could still be in the pretty boring cervix ripening stage.
Her due date was last Sunday, the 27th. Although her original due date was 2/8 so she's always been a little skeptical of the revised date.
I'm spoiled because my other sister-in-law was given the induction drugs at, like, 9 pm on 1/3 and had my nephew by 1:30 am on 1/4. (Of course, he was her 3rd baby and my new niece is my other sister-in-law's first baby so it's bound to take longer.)
Lisah, did you see the email campaign coming in from Lauraville?
No. What is it?
Oh! I forgot to report that I tried out the spray can pancakes yesterday. A little bit healthfoody-tasting, actually, though I overcooked them so it's hard to say for sure. But generally speaking, I think these are keepers. And it sure as hell doesn't get any easier.