Oh, I tried a recipe tonight, modified from one in Vegan Lunch Box, that was really good. Mashed sweet potatoes, with about 1 tablespoon each of orange juice and almond butter per sweet potato added. Plus a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg and ginger. (I really dislike sweet potato recipes with much extra sweetener added. This was REALLY good.)
My lunch is freqently dinner leftovers. Vegan Lunch Box has lots of good lunch ideas, too. [link] and [link] . Her recipes are sometimes a little too health-foody for my taste, though.
Interesting lists from Esquire: 10 Things you don't know about women.
There isn't a woman on that list, so far, that I agree with on all ten, I think. Some of the ones I disagree on are quite telling about the woman in question.
Betrayers to their gender.
You know, I was just going to type that I wouldn't really mind if the Giants win, with the scrappiness and whatnot, but maybe I won't have to betray my roots after all?
Go Pats! This game is not going like any predictions I heard.
Top 10 Things, Jennifer Love Hewitt's 8 "Women are meant to talk and men to listen."
The only thing I learned there is that JLH probably can't stop talking for a moment to listen.
Molly Shannon's list was at least good.
So yesterday's apartment was a nigerian scam, forcing me back to craigslist. There is a place listed about 5 minutes from Noah's Daycare and Grace's place that was just listed tonight. We emailed and got a phone call back and now have an appointment to visit tomorrow. Please let this work. Let it longterm work.
4. There's nothing less sexy than catching a guy sniffing the butt of his jeans to see if they're clean.
I had to share this with the boys.
It kind of cracks me up that there are now Nigerian scam apartment listings on craigslist.
I just came across a decent apartment scam here -- ridiculously cheap apartments, that may actually exist, but you have to send in $40 to apply before they'll even contact you. I can only imagine how many people send in the $40, because it's so much cheaper than most ways of getting an apartment here, so why not?
Dudes. I just yelled out loud while watching professional football.
W. T. F.