I have too many umbrellas. Because I'd never had one when I needed one. Too many seems to have mostly solved that.
I feel like I'm doing a crappy job at work. Part of it is just a perfect storm of stuff, but stuff is cropping up where I'm still caught in the mentality of minion where I'm really boss and I'm not being as assertive or plainspoken as I think I need to be. It's an adjustment. Without nets. I'm good in a meeting, but it is the email discussions that are killing me. I want to piss on my territory, but I'm also of the mind that part of the problem institutionally is a little too much pissing going on. Do I address that or just submit to the institutional dysfunction? Uhg.
Ah, Matty, you really really needs a parent. Poor sweet boy.
Normally I avoid discussions like this....
Can a Lightsaber Cut Through Superman?
I traded art for sofa tonight.
For a second I thought you were talking about barter. I actually have a watercolor hanging on my wall that was partial payment for a show I designed.
Saw the doctor, and he's concerned about a clot too, and scheduled me a test at a time where I can't make it. Says I'll have to go into the ER to get it done that way instead.
You'll be doing that soon, right?
Thai with Buffistas was excellent! I hope Brenda and her friend are enjoying the rest of their evening with Horton Foote.
FNL: Oh, BOYS. I mean, seriously. I want to hug them all.
Matt Damon is right up there. He's a great NPR interview, anyway.
::nods:: I think he's my favorite NPR interviewee ever. John Waters is pretty close, though.
The thing that I just can't wrap my brain around is why people still join. There's the crazy tom cruise shit and the xenu and the clams. Scientology is a laughing stock, isn't it?
This thing is, it isn't all bad. Not only isn't it all bad, some of the things are really good. So. Who gives a hoot about Xenu and Airdales and volcanos, anyway? That stuff is kind of peripheral
the org anyway, as it is all "higher level" stuff (@@). But yeah, they never take your name off a list, so people who leave/have been gone for years, decades, are still counted as members. I could go on and on for days about it, if anyone really cared to. (In case it's not clear, I'm so glad I'm not in it anymore, and I haven't been in it since 1977 or 78). Count it up as one more B'ta who was in a freakass church.
According to Tivo, we don't have FNL tonight. Is it a repeat?
FNL was new here on the East Coast.
I could go on and on for days about it, if anyone really cared to.
As I recall, what you've said about it that I've read has been fascinating and kind of scary. And not unlike other FAC stories I've seen from peeps 'round these parts, except perhaps more intense.