I seem to have ordered a Wii through Target. I looked and I hit the site just. as. it was being offered. And now I have clicked and everything.
I really shouldn't have spent the money. On the other hand, anything that gets me standing up and moving can't be all bad, you know?
Boss just told me not to go to the meeting. Asked if I was up to it, and then sent me back to my desk because (in his words) I'd feel more comfortable there.
I'm totally weirded out. But at least I can put my nose back to the grindstone. Wait. Is it nose? Why would you want to do that? Sounds painful.
I really want fish tonight, but I have stuffing at home and frozen broccoli-stuffed chicken that it would go better with. (I've eaten chicken at 5 of my last 6 full meals, and Chef Boyardee ravioli at the 6th...)
Hell, I thin I should start a book club with Local-istas!
Yes, do! I would offer up my house for the meetings.
So, it's pouring rain, and so windy down by my office that my umbrella broke basically as soon as I got outside. Nice. So I waited until I got back to my neighborhood to buy a new one at the deli, and awesomely, they were not offering special rainy-day pricing, so it was just $3. I'm still pissed about the other one, though. And my hair is all wet.
Good thing you're not made of sugar.
I traded art for sofa tonight. My excuses are I'm tired. Also, my tummy kind of hurts. Also, I am lame.