Everyones the same height lying down.
You've never done a 6'8 guy, I'm guessing.
Weekend: Saturday is various appointments to improve my health, and I'm back to teaching krav so I'm subbing in the morning. Sunday is more teaching, and then coffee plans with a friend, and tentative movie-watching plans with another.
Suddenly that seems too much.
Well, do what you can, ita. It sounds fun (and way more ambitious than my week).
You've never done a 6'8 guy, I'm guessing.
I'll have to get on that!
I had nummy NY strip steak for lunch. Am now stuffed and want to nap....
I'm leery about the teaching, but I'm just about to go to the doctor about my swollen leg, so we'll see. The new meds have my hand/eye coordination all frelled up, so I'll have to be careful with my lesson plan.
Ways to get almost 200 views on your Flickr picture: Use the words "Star Trek" in the description and have the picture itself show a woman with not-small mammaries. There's a Trekker website that makes a random collage of Flickr pictures with Trek search terms.
I'll have to get on that!
I have no doubt.
ita made me laugh, if only because I am shorter than her.
not just shorter, msbelle. wee!
I used to date someone who is 6'4" (I'm 4'9") in college and people would ask, "How do you . . . er . . . kiss?" pretty often.
On another note entirely, the AP is reporting that the two women who were used as suicide bombers in Baghdad were developmentally disabed. To which I say: What the fucking fuck? I hate people. [link]
t eyes rolled-up to Sparky's post
Dang it, Sparky, ita wants to know!