The thing that I just can't wrap my brain around is why people still join. There's the crazy tom cruise shit and the xenu and the clams. Scientology is a laughing stock, isn't it?
Well, yeah, just like intelligent design and spoon-bending and effortless weight-loss and Ponzi schemes. Poor Allyson, you keep expecting people to be rational. Which is a good demonstration of how irrational people are!
I'm more interested in the way Anon groups are forming and sharing tactics and issuing statements and getting permits. It's sort of inspirational. And also sort of scary.
That sounds fun, if not a little cold.
Well, I think my riding buddy may be pussying out. SO I may just be doing a spin class tomorrow instead.
And your plans are totally grown up! In that, responsible for other human lives way.
Shrift, Brenda, are we doing the dinner thing? Where?
t waves from under huge pile of work
Sure! As for where? Um, I have no brain.
It was, though I have no doubt that he was in on the stunt, even if he was supposed to appear as random.
I kind of figured that as I was typing, hence "apparently."
I really want to be done working for the week.
In that, responsible for other human lives way.
But at this precise moment in time, not in the fun way.
K just met Grace at the hospital because she had a follow up opthomology appt. She texted me the cutest picture of Grace in a car seat. Poor love. Too bad my bluetooth is being a pain and I can't get the pic into my computer.
Grrr. thwarted by technology.
If the Anon groups can stop them from putting flyers on my car, I'll gladly send a check...made out to Anonymous. How does that work?
You could email the picture to your flickr in the meantime....
t always wants more pictures
Okay, sara, that's rich coming from you! Do you know how to email from your cell?
This isn't from today (it's from wednesday maybe), but it's cute nevertheless. I think she's wearing a onesie your mom sent, sara. [link]
(I know because that's usually how I send pictures from my computer to flickr.)
I'll have you know I figured out how to get online from my cell! Not that I normally would do that, just made if possible to do online checkin away from a computer. And I've sent a textmessage, damnit!