I'm not watching the superbowl. I was thinking of going skiing, but the weather looks kind of crappy. I may just have to spend the weekend fighting with my new cellphone, which let me down rather spectacularly last night.
You see, I was going to a friend's house in SF to have dinner and watch Bab5 episodes. Except she got a migraine and left me a message at 5:15 that the dinner was cancelled.
Me, I never got the message because T-Mobile appears to think that voicemail notifications are optional. I spent two hours driving into the city and back in horrible rainy traffic, with an embarrassing ten minutes in the middle where I showed up on my migraineur pal's doorstep with a wine bottle in my hand.
I was starving by the time I got home, but at least I got to eat TJ's pesto pizza and watch Supernatural.
And, you know, he knows Jesse, so me must be okay.
Yeah, NSM. I mean, with the knowing-me, not with the being-OK.
I thought he quit smoking when they had the kid? It's possible I'm thinking of Bourdain, because I know it's true of him, but I think Damon, too.
I'm housecleaning, prepping for a visit to Mom next week and hoping to go to the U2 3D movie. Oh, and rollerskating.
Hell, I think I should start a book club with Local-istas!
Yes, please. (Not that you have tons of free time, but...it would be pretty fantastic.)
I just realized that I completely spaced on a report I was supposed to run and send out on Monday.
I don't even know if anyone's noticed. But I want to ram my head against my desk.
I have to go up to school at some point and get the cat, who, I'm sure is sure she's staaaaaarving.
Pfft! Time to learn to mouse.
It took me way too long to figure out that you were talking about gray furry mice. I'm thinking, "Can the cat order food over the internet?"
Kathy, the locking mechanism isn't on the room side of the door? I'm having trouble picturing your dilemma. (See mouse-wielding cat mental fog above.)
"Can the cat order food over the internet?"
Assuming they don't get distracted by www.somethingreallyshinythattwitches.com
An expert on domestic violence, who has appeared on several national TV shows, was busted for roughing up his wife, Florida officials said yesterday.
Wow. He really is an expert.
apparently he's a chain smoker, though. ugh. I can't get over that for Matt Damon.
He can come over here and we'll chain smoke together.
I finally watched that Improv Everywhere video bon bon linked to earlier, and that was so awesome! And one of my favorite minor celebrities!!
I may go to an art opening at a friend's gallery tonight (gallery name is The Magnificent, which I LOVE). Tomorrow I'm getting up super early for a frigid bike ride. aieeee. Then having tea with ladies at a wonderful tea shop with a stupid name (Teavolve). Tomorrow night...maybe dating? Except dude hasn't called to confirm plan so I don't know. Sunday yoga & meeting with my friend who is going to redo my kitchen this spring. YAY!