My condolences for your and your gf's loss, Gloomcookie.
Tom, I have every confidence that you'll continue to make progress in therapy. You're a trooper!
Job~ma to meara... hopefully you'll find something better than the one that just evaporated on you.
We got pretty snow yesterday in a very thin blanket, which only messed up the roads for a couple of my not-driving hours and seems to have cleared off now. I did have the very weird sensation of condensation on my kitchen floorboards last night—I've never lived over someone who kept their apartment colder than mine before. (Though I don't think they're in residence all the time, actually.)
What I am wearing today:
Vintage mint Aerosmith
Aero Force One
tour shirt from 1989 found in evidence room
Raaather eighties eye-makeup (though I could have gone further).
Watermelon lip gloss
This is amusing the shit out of me.
No! Just restaurants, garbage collection, snow removal, union membership, toll collectors, broadway ushers, illegal gambling, legal gambling, prostitution, strip clubs, auto body repair, window replacement, construction, road repair, federal landscaping contracts, most plumbers, and those shitty sound walls along the highway that don't block sound and keep the snow from melting for a week.
See, in Chicago, those are all controlled by your alderman and/or mayor (through the aldermen), even the illegal gambling. In NYC, the politicians are assisted by the criminals. In Chicago, the politicians are the criminals! And if a criminal is not a politician, he wants to be one for the clout, but can't get elected outright (see: Tony Rezko).
PZ Myers on his debate with a Creationist:
...He wrote a whole book about "Billions of missing links"! His other book, What Darwin Didn't Know, needs to be retitled in a new edition, What Geoffrey Simmons Doesn't Know. It will be a very large book.
I shouldn't have been surprised at his performance, though. I have a secret: I read part of What Darwin Didn't Know before the show, and knew exactly what kind of creationist I was engaging.
I have to share a few tidbits with you from that hilarious book. It has a chapter titled "Purposeful Design" which purports to list 81 examples of design. He has very low standards. Basically, anything that works is evidence of design.
The mouth, vagina, urethra, and anus are sealed by mucus when not in use and yet can open and close in controlled ways as needs arise.
This is a man who thinks the fact that he isn't drooling and feces aren't dribbling down his leg is a miracle from god. After reading his book, I kind of agree.
New England is probably iced over
Not so far. We're due for something, but the temprature is hovering just above freezing, so it's be icky, whatever it is.
Also, count me in the corner that prefers snow to winter rain. Much easier to walk in. Granted, if there are a few more times this winter that I have to dig my car out, I may revise that judgment.
This is a man who thinks the fact that he isn't drooling and feces aren't dribbling down his leg is a miracle from god. After reading his book, I kind of agree.
All blue-eyed people share a relatively recent common ancestor: [link]
I am "working from home" today and for all of next week because they are replacing the carpets are work. Anyway, I just opened a meeting agenda that someone emailed me and it opened up in the Buffied font. Har!
PS - Anyone who wants a game of Scrabulous, come on down!
FNL Season 2 dvds - coming out April 22nd!!!
My new student worker was born in 1990, people!! I could be his mother, if I'd had sex in my senior year in high school!
I had a student flirting with me at an event last weekend. I just looked at him and thought “If I’d been sluttier in high school, I could be your mother” Turns out that he thought I was another student. Flattering, I suppose.