I'm having weird issues with the new book regarding people's names and identifying characteristics.
When my mom wrote her dissertation, she used the names of the kids in the family day care next door for the names of the major players, which made for hilarious reading for me.
Okay. I am going to be a bridesmaid again.
can you wear what you were going to wear to con?
OH! Use our board names, Allyson.
Heh. One of my neighbors is named Jessie. Changing her to Jesse would be hilarious.
I'm working on the chapter The Atheist's Guide to Tragedy, and trying to sort through why it is that I'm less angered by some people's beliefs in god(s) than others, and how big of a hypocrite that makes me.
One of my neighbors is named Jessie. Changing her to Jesse would be hilarious.
clearly, they are insane.
and they are now 50% more insane, on a completely different topic. People, changing something on the print piece does not send an instant message to the web that it needs to be changed.
Any neighbors named Scrappie?
can you wear what you were going to wear to con?
I am pretty sure that my fancy hoochie cocktail dress isn't going to match the wedding colors. Also, HAHAHAHA NO.