I'm in the antisocial club. Er, well, you know what I mean. The creepy peer pressure involved in workplace parties tends to push my Hulk smash button. So I usually hide in my office until they're over.
If I'm close enough with someone that I genuinely want to celebrate their birthday/spawning/whatever, I'm already intending to do that outside the office. And if I don't... why spend the energy pretending to care? Doing my actual job is less draining than making small talk with people I don't give a damn about.
I love the concept of Kiva. That might be my next year's christmas gifts!
how do I phrase my reply into a 'no':
- we all have neat cameras and all like to take thousands of photos of everything
- our families like to look at pictures
- therefore it seems logical that we should be able to put all of our photos from all of our cameras up on the web so that everyone can download them in all of their 24"x30" glory and be happy. We don't really care what people who might see the site for the first time and be confused by pic-a-palooza might thing, nor do we give a jot about photo-privacy or picspam.
- we do not want you or anyone you know to suggest choosing between the photos, adding captions, or resizing them.
- yes, we have met your friend flickr. can you build something like that just for us?
Can you show them about half a dozen MySpace pages with unresized photos fucking up the screen?
I'm having weird issues with the new book regarding people's names and identifying characteristics. It's complex, since I'm talking about a neighborhood we all live in. I've changed just about everyone's name. But I feel weird about it all.
I think my neighbors wil have a cow when they read it.
If the book sells, you'll be making enough money to move, so it won't be an issue, right?
Can you show them about half a dozen MySpace pages with unresized photos fucking up the screen?
I can't bring up myspace because they want me to build them a 'private' version of that too. Or dynamically maintain their online web presence there, and facebook, and "the other web places too."
I can show them our very own course pages where some of them are already screwing up the screen... because when I restricted filesize, I nearly magnetized with all the knives in my back.
... er, or something.
it's a pickle. I'm thinking of sticking with 'no.' and waiting for people to go screaming to my boss.
I can't bring up myspace because they want me to build them a 'private' version of that too. Or dynamically maintain their online web presence there, and facebook, and "the other web places too."
Clearly, "they" are insane.
it's a pickle. I'm thinking of sticking with 'no.' and waiting for people to go screaming to my boss.
stick with the no. And send your boss an email detailing the issues so that s/he won't make promises you can't keep.