oh, I forgot - it snowed here for 3 hours! Real fluffy snow that didn't stick on the streets! I forgot how this went up north. It's supposed to snow three times this week.
I think it snowed twice last year in Baltimore - once a lot, and the city didn't plow, so Fells Point was talking about secession and blockading the harbor - but we're like that. Up here, there's a lot more snow and resignation.
(Not my white bean chili... which I'm avoiding by hiding on the board)
I'm stunned by Matt's link.
Calling Jilli, come in Jilli!
Oriental Trading's new catalogue has wee skull brads!!!!
Oriental Trading's new catalogue has wee skull brads!!!!
Oh dear. I could put them on hats! And clothing! And maybe on the cats!
I have seen a glimmer at the end of the tunnel with my job. There are several leads on opportunities and a fairly sure thing...if I wait 2 years for it to all come together. Can I do 2 more years with the Draconian Dictator?
Well, you know that I've also always been a big fan of jumping at an opportunity. Two years is a while to wait around. In that respect I've always been a pretty big risk taker though. I've moved on short notice and grabbed projects that were probably out of my league and then held on for dear life.
What's a skull brad?
Brads are little metal things scrapbookers and other crafty people use to hold pages together or decorate them.
Well, it's the large bones in your head that hold your brains in, and my name's not brad.
Brads are little metal things scrapbookers and other crafty people use to hold pages together or decorate them.
Ah, but they can be conveniently repurposed for other decorative needs! Clever!
t edit
I'd just like to note that Daisy Jane is a smartass.
They have skull and crossbone sticky ribbon in purple, 1 yard at $3.95.
And a skull and crossbones paper kit that has a pink and black argyle pattern with skulls in every other pink diamond.