So annoying! I just called a guy who answered with only his first name
I'm afraid that's how I answer the phone (or more specifically, I say "This is Frank"), but I don't answer the phone as part of my job, so it's either a friend, someone calling me about something specific, or a wrong number, so I don't really feel the need to say anything else.
Our home phone is both home & business phone, so I tend to answer based on the hour of day and whether or not I recognize the caller id. But every once in a while the SO's mobile shows up as "no data" so he gets briskly greeted, "Hope in Transit, this is L."
Video: Dancing 747s. Slightly unnerving - 747s shouldn't do that!
I am Frank on this, if it is an outside call. Our phone system shows us the name of the person calling if they are in the office, so then I say "Hi X".
I answer my work phone with "This is Jillian", because people at my company have a very bad habit of mis-dialing people's extensions.
Lady in the Water. Absolutely beautiful photo from 1947.
I just say "Hello" when I answer the phone. But people must have asked for me specifically if a call gets put through to me. Is that still bad?
Has anyone mentioned that Huckabee is insane?
"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."
This dude really just said his first name. Not "this is Bob," just "Bob." I don't know. It was weird!
Granted, when I answer an outside call, I just say my first and last names, but I swear it's different. Partly because of inflection, partly because when people are calling me, a recording has already told them where they are calling, and then they put in my extension.
Does that make him insane, tommyrot? Wrongheaded and scary, I can see. But that view seems consistent with his other views.