Susan, I tend to use pre-cooked chicken or sausage-type meats for my crockpot stuff. Usually I'll take half-frozen chicken breasts, cube them, and brown them and then add them to the pot in the morning.
I also use a lot of stock and water. Especially with cream based soups as those tend to do wierd things to the meats.
me - grilled cheese and tomato and a side of tomato soup.
mac - probably chicken fingers, but maybe spaghetti and meatballs.
which reminds. I need to leave.
The aggrivating partner (who I don't actually work for but who has me load his printer because he refuses to learn how to open a drawer) is now gargling in his office.
Close the door, dude.
We always talk about lunch -- what's everyone having for dinner?
I'm going to marinade some cod in lime juice, garlic, olive oil and fresh cilantro, then put it on the grill pan. I will make a relish/sauce with black beans, tomato, cilantro, red onion, garlic, cumin, olive oil. I will probably also make some rice with chicken broth on the side.
I watched Wolfgang Puck this weekend - so we are having a version of his chicken bolognese. It looked yummy.
We always talk about lunch -- what's everyone having for dinner?
It's looking like nothing since my tummy does not seem to be happy.
Not just boot, shafts. I hate cv joints. I've had, they've had to be replaced. But, then, given that track record, I guess they are just something that goes.
I'm finishing off housewarming party leftovers, so the last of the spinach dip bread bowl and some leftover spinach with celery and dressing. And a carambola.
Oh gawd - this made me laugh:
OMG! Stupid Creationist Argument of the Day!
This takes the cake. There is a war between believers and unbelievers because well, read:
I believe that there is another way to approach this fight. Assuming that the ID hypothesis is correct, one can argue that, since humans are the dominant species on earth, the designers must have had a special interest in us when they began their project. My hypothesis is that they are conducting an experiment, the purpose of which is to distinguish between believers and deniers. Given their vast intellect, it is certain that they anticipated the current conflict. If so, it is highly likely that they would have left us a secret message, a message so powerful that its mere publication would cause the collapse of the materialist fortress.
Where, oh where, is this message from the designer(s)? Read on:
Consider that there are lots of mysterious symbolic passages in the Bible that Christians have a hard time interpreting. But what if those passages are actual coded messages for our age, the age of enlightenment? This has been my thesis and the subject of my research for the last eight years or so. I have identified a few passages in the books of Revelation and Zechariah as having to do with intelligence and the human brain. I believe that the Bible contains the secret of intelligence among other things. It is still work in progress but already I have made a few breakthroughs. I recently posted a couple of falsifiable predictions about the human cerebellum. My goal is to use my understanding of the metaphorical texts to design and build a true artificial intelligence. The Christian AI! It is only a matter of time. When that happens, the Darwinian walls will come crumbling down like the old walls of Jericho.
I don't understand what that dude is saying. Is there a Cliff's Notes for the Craxy?