I think I would follow megan walker's advice and try for a PhD program, even if you stop at the masters level.
I agree. The success that you have already had in this rapidly emerging new area makes you a good candidate for a funded position in a doctoral program. If you don't thrive there, you can always negotiate a terminal masters and leave without a big debt.
You might also check around for conveniently located programs with names likeTelecommunications or Communication and Culture or something like that, because they are often very similar to the kind of program you are looking at. There also are similar programs that are subspecialites within English departments.
My Choke a Bitch Threat Level has been downgraded from Severe to Elevated.
Holy hell, I just got a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Apparently walking to work in the wind and rain means my hair is a total disaster. And has been all day. Nice.
This is why I try to make a point of going to the bathroom relatively early in the morning -- hair check!
Taking my self portrait before leaving home takes care of that. Almost left home with those hanger loops of the dress showing.
Taking my self portrait before leaving home takes care of that. Almost left home with those hanger loops of the dress showing.
I meant to ask you (and anyone else doing the daily portrait thing): are you just setting the camera on a handy shelf and using the timer function? Because I want to get in the habit of taking wardrobe documentation photos.
And my Emo Tears Threat Level has been upgraded from Guarded to Severe.
I can't win, man.
Your Emo Tears or someone else's Emo Tears?
We always talk about lunch -- what's everyone having for dinner? I have leftover chicken parmesan and spaghetti from yesterday. YUM. I've been dreaming of it all day.
Joe and Em are having chicken sausage and pasta. I am having school.
I'm defrosting a monkfish; maybe edamame or spinach for a veg?