NYT questions the efficacy of exercise in keeping us healthy. Favorite quote:
I flove Gina Kolata. She's my favorite NYTer, because her whole job is challenging conventional wisdom. She writes mostly fitness and diet stuff now, but she used to have a more general science beat.
Cashmere, that's hysterical.
It's totally funny after the fact.
No. No. I mean its awful. Truly.
It was only awful in the first few minutes.
Ok, it's hysterical when I picture those two beautiful children going at a box of kitty litter like a pair of puppies. And you catching them and being horrified.
To Olivia's credit--she didn't eat any. Just flipped it around like sand. Owen dumped the entire box on the ground.
Does litter taste like anything? Besides rocks or sand or something? I mean, the dog is going after the cat poo (which is like caviar to them) but what is the kid logic? Sprinkles? Cookie crumbs? Gravel? Mmmmmm sand? Is it salty or something?
I have NO idea. But Owen has been watching Chicken Run and everything he eats is "chicken feed." As I was washing his mouth out this morning, he kept saying, "chicken feed." I assume he was pretending the litter was chicken feed. He's also very tactile and likes gritty stuff in his mouth. Still. GROSS.
OK, I feel like Anya and the skating monkeys. Not that your children are monkeys. It's the illogic that's so funny. And the sheer horror.
No. My children are monkeys. Funny, illogical monkeys.
I have NO idea. But Owen has been watching Chicken Run and everything he eats is "chicken feed." As I was washing his mouth out this morning, he kept saying, "chicken feed." I assume he was pretending the litter was chicken feed. He's also very tactile and likes gritty stuff in his mouth. Still. GROSS.
Oooh! You should get a big jar of wheat germ and bribe him to be good with it.
"If you pick up those toys in the next ten minutes you can have some Chicken Feed!!!"
I am rapidly losing the small amount of concentration I had. I don't know how I'll make it through the rest of the day.
ION, it's just started snowing here. Small powdery flakes that look kind of fake.
Would it be good or bad to feed Owen some chicken pot pie?
I flove Gina Kolata.
She came down pretty hard on the Good Calories, Bad Calories book that was being discussed in Bitches.
Would it be good or bad to feed Owen some chicken pot pie?
He says, "I don't want to be a pie!"
I need friendly pros/cons advice. I'm looking at the USC Annenberg School of Journalism. They have a Master's with an Online Journalism concentration:
It'll cost me about 50k. I'm 34 years old. Is this craxy? Also, can I send my book as my writing sample? Or is that snotty?
I have almost a whole year to do my GREs, work out the financials (please please can I get a grant?), and apply.
It'll cost me about 50k. I'm 34 years old. Is this craxy?
Totally not crazy. I figure I'll be 35 when I finally go to do my graduate degree.