Monday hates me.
Went out to start the car. Wouldn't turn over. Fretted, fussed, fretted. Called boss to let him know. Called mechanic. Tried again, got it started. Dropped off at mechanic. Walked to work in the rain.
Check engine light came on late last week, so I was going to schedule to bring it in anyway, but jeez. Not this morning (mondays are bad at the mechanic's.)
There's a very good chance I will have to cab it home tonight and in tomorrow. Bye bye $40.
Just saw a bit of news, by accident. They reported on the shocking story of an Iowa mom who sells her son's car after finding alcohol in it.
I hadn't realised the kid was 19. I wonder who paid for the car? If the kid was 18 or younger, my opinion would be a lot firmer, but I'm not from anywhere where kids expect to have cars before 18 or from/with their parents.
Just got an email via snailmail. Upon having her electronic attempts bounce (she had broken my domain name into its three words separated by spaces) she printed it out (mostly--there were some dialogue box issues) and mailed it to me instead.
Not all of us live in the future.
Still watching all the Star Trek in the world, and it's pointing out to me how not-in-the-future we all were when it was being filmed. Oh, the things of which they were sure (2 heterosexual genders, for instance).
And the things they didn't seem to think about--why would a Vulcan (or even a half-Vulcan) state that a giant space hand seemed half-human? Is that because Vulcan hands have better things to do than growing to massive sizes and grabbing spaceships?
I was so hoping for a snow day today. Instead, I got a conk on the head and a broken copier. So the day did not start out well, and instead of "This semester is going to be ALL DIFFERENT starting with these worksheets we're going to do together!" I did, "Okay, so, I want you to experiment with this command and, stuff. But tomorrow there'll be worksheets! And math!"
Researchers at Rice University find something none more black.
I wonder who paid for the car?
The article said further down that she bought it.
The article said further down that she bought it.
Go team ita's reading comprehension. I'm sure I'll have a great day at work.
Researchers at Rice University find something none more black.
I scrolled through pages of inane comments and was saddened to see that no one referenced Disaster Area.
Or at least I think no one did.
Go team ita's reading comprehension.
Eh. It's Monday. I only looked for it because you asked and then I wondered. I think it's high-larious. Mostly because when I was 17 I found a pint of run in my car and got scared about it until I realized it was my mother's.
Matilda work up in an unreasonably cheerful mood. So we maximized the moment by putting her in a Hanna Anderson dress and tights so she is both cheerful and supercute. So far we've successfully leveraged the Mondayness.
No snow in SF. It's cool and bright though. None of this gray drizzly biz.
It's a monday. Feh.
I'm jealous of all of you snow-day havers. I'd like a snow day. Unfortunately, we don't get sunny days off and today looks to be good and hot.