I've got a snow day from work. The upside is I don't have to go out in this mess today if I don't want to. The downside is I'll have to dig out eventually. I think I'll split the difference and do a few rounds of shovelling/clearing today so that there will be less tomorrow (plus the stuff coming down now looks a lot less messy than what's on the ground.
Also torn between hibernating and trudging out to catch a movie. But, hey, SNOW DAY!
I love snow days. It's totally a gift of time. Except that you have to deal with the snow eventually.
Damn you, New England! That's our snow!!
NYC didn't get the four inches predicted?
Nope, we just got rain. The snow completely missed us.
Aw, foo!
It's very pretty snow, too -- the kind that sticks to all the twigs, so the world is sugar-frosted for a while. With any luck it will be light and fluffy and not hard to shovel off....
The snow is heading our way, but unless we get a metre of snow, there will be no snow day for me.
t /works for the snow day grinch
Friends of mine in Colebrook NH (just down the road from Quebec) point out that you can tell how "North" a place is by whether it has Snow Days at all. Once you get far enough into the snow belt, you would have to shut down all winter, after all.
They say that in the 15-odd years of having children in school up there, they had only one winter-weather-closure, and that was because a maintenance guy made a mistake in what kind of diesel to put into the school buses, and the fuel gelled up so they couldn't start on a -20F day.
I would like some snow. Although, I'm just as glad last night we only got rain and not slush and yuck. I hope my parents' plumber can still work, though!
Schools get closed often enough around her for weather. (They fear the liability of a school bus accident on a stormy day more than anything.) but my employer are the last to tell their employees to stay home because of weather because they are extremely cheap. If they tell us to stay home, they have to pay us. If the don't tell us to stay home, anyone who doesn't make it in has to use a vacation day to cover the time lost. Total grinches.