I just had to say goodbye to my nephew. He doesn't really get the distance and time thing, and I'm pretty temporary in his life anyway, so he's cool with it.
My heart is so broken, though. Trying to keep a stiff upper lip. I got him some Hot Wheels trucks and a coloring book, we made a last batch of cookies, and he showed me the chimney sweep dance from Mary Poppins (complete with somersault).
Was an awesome day.
I'll be back in LA tomorrow. The first few days blew, but now I don't want to leave. I want to stay and hang out with my nephew and niece, and start looking for jobs in the college/uni system here.
I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I think I'll be happiest in an academic setting. Plus, cheaper Masters Degree.
I have a lot of research to do to figure out if I can afford to work at a place like USC, though. I'm unsure of the pay range for administrative staffers.
Today just refuses to die. What's that about?
Also, I don't like cream puffs.
A lot of pho in. Town comes with a cream puff. I get sad when it is puffless.
I like that plan, Allyson.
If only you could embrace the cream puff, Lee, the day would end.
If you embrace the cream puff, Lee, you wouldn't have to eat it.
I just had to say goodbye to my nephew. He doesn't really get the distance and time thing, and I'm pretty temporary in his life anyway, so he's cool with it.
My heart is so broken, though. Trying to keep a stiff upper lip. I got him some Hot Wheels trucks and a coloring book, we made a last batch of cookies, and he showed me the chimney sweep dance from Mary Poppins (complete with somersault).
I was six or so when after one visit (and its tearful goodbye) my Uncle Mark went to the airport only to return three hours later saying he just couldn't leave me and would be staying a few more days.
It was probably the happiest day of my life to that point. I still tear up thinking about it.
(It was only about two years ago that he broke it to me that it was just that his flight had been cancelled. Don't know why I never figured it out myself.)
Embrace it with your lips.
Will you be up for visitors (and TV pick up) after we drop her off?
I might not be the chirpiest, but am I ever? Stop by.
Okay, leaving work now, picking up random food on way home. Gave a status report to my boss that made it sound like...well, like actual work had gotten done. Which, despite the migraines and shit--it had. So there.
Okay, ita. we'll stop by. We aren't the chirpiest either as I have been up since 4:00 and K didn't fall asleep last night until 1:00. And Noah had a shot but no naps.
Is there anything you'd like for us to bring? We have potato balls.