What color family are you looking for?
Red. I found that a store near me sells Besame lipstick and some of the colours look promising. Maybe they'll have my red, and it seems possible they'll have my brown. Hopefully in stock.
If this were rum cake forcing would not be required.
Rum cake and egg nog. No one would have to forcefeed me. It would be nice to sit down to some nog and cake and watch Angel. Or
Depends on how schedules work out.
I search for a good brown lipstick. Most are "reddish brown" and if I wanted red lipstick I'd buy it. I want BROWN.
I really, really need to get out of the apartment this weekend. Preferably something that would force me to socialize. Suggestions?
We could go do something fun on Sunday before 2 and after 7 or so
Anyone seen the icky story about the twins floating around in the news today? Am I the only one detecting more than a whiff of "this guy my cousin knows once knew this girl who..." about it?
Yup. Not that I'm doubting that such a thing could happen, but this particular instance fails the sniff test for all the press it's getting.
It SEEMS like real people in real jobs... and it is BBC.
My induction in the early am led to a baby at about 3 in the afternoon.
Heh. My induction on Saturday led to a baby on Tuesday.
Tonight - go home, filled with relief that week is over. Order pizza w/ chicken & rosemary potatoes for dinner.
Saturday - haircut, lunch at place that's rumored to have chicken-fried steak that might meet DH's and my exacting Okie and Dixie standards.
Sunday - sing solo in choir at church, that is, if I don't faint from stage fright because 250 people or so per service are listening to me, just me, after which I shall kick myself around a bit, flail in self-consciousness at how reedy my voice sounds in the top half of my secure range, and vow never to sing solos again.
I bet you'll be great, Susan.