that NYTimes article made me so sad.
zinc lozenges are the nast. I don't think they even help with the overall cold. Then they make my food taste nast (well what I can taste anyway, since taste is severly hampered by said cold).
That is enough to bother, but then the McD that used to be in the tunnels is no longer there.
the day can still eat it.
Children, just don't take supplements that your trainer gives you. Or at least take them to a good lab first.
Athletes doping and lying makes me so mad.
zinc lozenges are the nast.
They really are.
On a related topic, if I can get coverage for my last period class, I think I am going to go home. I feel lousy. My head hurts and I'm sniffly. I'm not at the full-blown miserable cold stage, and I'm hoping that if I go home and sleep I might be able avoid that.
Scrappy, I know you know this, but I just want to remind you that your niece's recovery is not your responsibility and there is no one right way to handle her. Al-Anon or similar could be a good resource for you, if only to give you a place to vent to an audience that has been through similar situations. Whatever you choose to do right now will, I'm sure, be in line with the grace and kindness you demonstrate on every day and no one can ask for better than that.
Children, just don't take supplements that your trainer gives you. Or at least take them to a good lab first.
Do we think that has ever actually happened? Or happend anywhere as often as athlets have clamed?
Whatever you choose to do right now will, I'm sure, be in line with the grace and kindness you demonstrate on every day and no one can ask for better than that.
Just had to agree emphatically, yo.
ugh, Scrappy, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say beyond that.
Badger! Tea for Frances, Bedtime for Frances, Bread and Jam for Frances, Best Friends for Frances... all with some of the snarkiest made-up songs in late-20th c. children's books. yah... Burrell - you might want to pick some of those up for Franny.
heh. I grew up with Bread and Jam for Frances, and so did Franny. We have several others as well. I love Frances!
A Bargain for Frances was always my favorite. Thelma got what was comin' to her...