I want a taco, dammit! Unfortunately, the taco situation here is grim. Taco Bell makes a better taco than our local Mexican place.
Great thing about Chicagoland is that there are taqueiras galore, even in the suburbs. Now I think I'll stop by the one nearest my apartment tonight that I haven't been to yet but have seen written up online as having really good food.
ETA: Damn, Scrappy, that's tough. I don't have any advice, either, just keeping my thoughts with her and you both.
All these uncles sound sort of mean
My uncle K was horrid. He used to refer to my sister and me as "The Lee Sisters: Home and Ug."
Ginger, hah!
so I am not sure that she even knows how to use email or that you actually need an email address.
I think I mentioned here the person who, when I emailed her a question, sent her reply to my father with instructions to pass it on to me because she didn't have an email address for me. And she's a doctor, i.e., not an idiot. Under normal circs, anyway.
scrappy, that's rough. I don't have any advice beyond ita's. Is there a way to just put out what you observed and let it be that. It's more about you getting to voice your concern and what she does with that info is a choice she makes.
Oh, Scrappy, that sucks. I recall my first week as a freshman--all the kids walking in groups from dorms to Fraternity Row and to house parties with their giant, plastic beer cups. Not the easiest environment for a recovering addict.
I hope for her sake, she realizes how easy it is to relapse and what she has on the line.
Aimee, that's so awful! I know not everyone's uncles are mean but I'm sort of surprised at all the mean stories. I'm glad my brother is so nice to Ellie. If any other uncles appear and start being mean, they had better watch out!
He would become Uncle Jack to me from that point on. Jack - Ass, Jack - Tard, take your pick. I have almost zero tolerance for meanness like that. If it is to kids, I will go from zero to in your face in about 2 seconds.
My understanding is that nearly all of the H words that get "an" are derived from French. (Honor, historical, etc. Not house.) So at least it's not totally random.
It seems to break at the voiced or un-voiced "H". And if the "H" is un-voiced you're really giving the A
to the subsequent vowel.
Gah, that's tough. Because freshman orientation and dorm life have got to be just about the hardest environment in these circumstance, I'd think. But I'm not sure bringing it up with her would accomplish anything more than making her defensive and stressing things out worse. Ugh.
Scrappy, can you bring it up in a non-accusatory way? Not mention the suspicion that she was drinking but point out the "hardest environment" Brenda mentions? Maybe (if this is possible for you) tell her she can call you and come over if the dorm is getting boozy and she should step away from it for a few hours? That way you're giving her sympathy and a tool instead of a lecture.
People slip. I assume rehab addresses that -- AA certainly does. If she did have a slip she may already be dealing with it. If in the course of dealing with it you can offer her a way to prevent another one that might be very helpful to her in recovering from this one.
Beware of geeks with bulk candy!