Last night I was in a grocery store and all of a sudden a memory comes up of something really embarrassing I did like two decades ago just pops up and makes me feel like retreating to a cave. Why does my brain sometimes plot against me?
I am also INCREDIBLY prone to this. Ugh.
I apparently also hit the snooze button for 45 minutes.
This is me, except 75 minutes. Good thing it's a teacher work day.
I am like zombie worker. My head is super stuffy feeling and despite NOT taking any drowsy medicine, I am drowsy. I think I am going to have to caffeinate at lunch. At least it is time for more medicine. I have zero hope of it actually helping. I need a spouse this weekend, instead mac will get easily irritated zombie mom.
Last night I was in a grocery store and all of a sudden a memory of something really embarrassing I did like two decades ago just pops up and makes me feel like retreating to a cave. Why does my brain sometimes plot against me?
Oh, yes. Hate it when that happens.
By the way, 2.5 classes down, 2.5 classes to go. Wish I'd started with the hardest ones. That's just the exams. Then I have to actually figure their grades for the quarter. Grrraaaah.
My problem is that people seem to remember stuff that happens to me, even after I've mostly forgotten all about it.
At Christmas, my extended family spent about an hour teasing me about how I was breast-fed until I was three. I WAS THREE, PEOPLE, IT WAS NOT A CONSCIOUS CHOICE ON MY PART. So, parents who breastfeed their kids until they're three? Please don't tell people about it years later.
My problem is that people seem to remember stuff that happens to me, even after I've mostly forgotten all about it.
Maybe you should strive to become more forgettable.
Last night I was in a grocery store and all of a sudden a memory comes up of something really embarrassing I did like two decades ago just pops up and makes me feel like retreating to a cave. Why does my brain sometimes plot against me?
As bad as this is, it's so much better than when this happens when you're trying to go to sleep (or when you wake up in the middle of the night).
my extended family spent about an hour teasing me about how I was breast-fed until I was three.
That is so not cool. I had never thought about that before, although it's not like I'm going to force Ellie to wean for that reason. Anyway, you probably don't need me to say this, but I think it's super cool that your mom breastfed you for that long.
My head is super stuffy feeling and despite NOT taking any drowsy medicine, I am drowsy.
I'm sure some of it's body chemistry, but the Aleve behind-the-counter stuff has had me up and wired for like 36 hours at this point...